Life Absorption
She and her kind power their abilities, maintain their existence and gain sustenance by absorbing the living energy of another life form and/or cognitive/sentient being, this is done by physical touch.
Her kind do not do this to the point of killing unless in extraordinary cases of self defense of themselves or others. Outside of self defense her kind have a strict code of consent first basis on this matter, and thus primarily feed off plants.
Light Wielder
She is gifted with the ability of wielding the power of light in both offensive and defensive methods.
Light Healing
Lai'vara can heal from just about anything (granted it doesn't kill her first) so long as she has ample life energy remaining in her - only needing to regularly replenish it whenever she's exhausted the bulk of her supply, should she wish to heal or survive.
​She can also in turn transfer her own life energy to another person, animal and/or plant through direct touch to restore health and healing, though depending on the degree this can be greatly taxing on her own supply and condition.
Her silvery coloured blood also notably contains healing properties but is mostly more limited to healing, restoring and growing flora based life.
Seer Gazer
With the ability of arcanic insight, Lai'vara is accustomed to seeing visions from the future, past and present. This gift is a constant juggle between being a blessing and a curse.
She has empathic abilities. This has helped her when it comes to how to best approach a situation and judge people's true natures and intentions.
Enhanced hearing, eyesight, sense of smell and reflexes. Lai'vara was specially raised and designed for stealth, speed and agility.
There isn't much that can fatally hurt her to the point of fearing for her life on its own - and for good reason Lai'vara is notably tight lipped about the subject.
Energy Drain
Life energy is one of her top concerns as it's the only true thing she totally depends on to keep her existences going - without it she would quite literally cease to exist.
The Cold
She is quite sensitive towards the colder elements, instead preferring warmer climates - she rarely ventures to places where snow and ice exist.
Being an empath can be both an asset and a hindrance, given that absorbing other people's emotional baggage can become quite draining - filtering out other peoples invasive feelings is no easy task.
Self Sacrifice
Lai'vara has been raised to be on the side of good - to protect the vulnerable and innocent where she can for as long as she can do so. This can lead to her condemning herself for the sake of a total stranger, without a moment's pause.